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Fav comic strips
Was digging around preparing for the big move when i came across these old comic strips which i cut out and preserved from the old Sunday Times. I can’t begin to say how much i identify myself to these comic strips, but i do think about it from time to time, and when i do, i would give my thanks to God.
Does your browser support SNI?
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Woes on UTF-8 plain text transfers
Some things that didn’t quite seem to work right in Chrome and Firefox. It seems that when reading text files from some servers, the reply for text files are UTF-8 instead of plain ASCII text. However, Safari seems to be able to understand that the UTF-8 BOM was not to be parsed as part of the data, but Chrome and Firefox doesn’t seem to know that.
This throws weird problems that would seem to be browser issues. This can be solved by stripping the plain text file of the UTF-8 BOM by removing the \xef\xbb\xbf pre-appended text.
Things should work across all browsers after that.