Ubuntu 24.04 LTS issues with apparmor, bwrap and an intermediate solution

Upgraded to 24.04 on a whimp, but realized that it caused multiple issues with applications not launching. Could have been patient and waited for updates, but the deal breaker was that my email client Geary, Chrome and Microsoft-edge wouldn’t launch. Not to mention my self compiled gnome-calendar and a host of other apps.

This effectively meant that i couldn’t do any work. It seems that something changed and bwrap, together with apparmor was causing issues – (you can see this in the syslog). It was just too many things to fix and i needed to get my system back on quick.

This is the snipped that got everything working again. put it into the sysctl.conf file to make it persistent. Not ideal, but it works until Ubuntu gets it act together to update its hardening policies without breaking every application out there.

sudo sysctl kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0

Until there is a proper fix… get back out there and start working…..