Poor man’s way of getting iPhone UDIDs

So if there are lots of iPhones running around in your organization but you don’t want to spend on bomb on Mobile Device Management solutions. How would you go about obtaining the UDIDs from these devices?

It is apparently possible to run NC to capture UDIDs from the iOS.

You first have to setup NC with this command in the terminal

while true; do
nc -w 1 -l 8080 | grep -A 1 UDID;

Then you have to prepare a configuration profile, replacing the URL with the address of your machine running NC. (See attached)

Example mobileconfig file

Send this profile to the iOS devices you want to get the UDIDs from and once installed, you should be able to see a XML reply on the output of the NC terminal. NC will continue listening to for the next device, while the iOS device will get some error about the network connection being dropped.

This is an alternative to installing anything on the iOS device just to get one string of text….