iPhone Native Development… 1 step at a time

So i have finally decided to try my hand at native iPhone development, but it sure wasn’t easy.

Granted that i have some programming background, this would mean that basic ways of thinking about problems from a programming standpoint is easier.. but i am still rather puzzled by some of the syntax outlines of obj-c.

However, given the last week or so (or actual time trying to do obj-c), i must say things are going rather ok.

Here is how i started.

  1. UIAlertView
  2. Outlets and Actions
  3. ActionSheet

These are the first 3 things that i tried out. From there, i ventured to do my first application which is a simple calculator of sorts. This then introduced me to the Tab View. This calculator is supposed to be a similar exercise of what i did in Dashcode here.

At this stage, i am introduced to creating classes to talk across multiple views and the concept of a singleton in Obj-C.

The link that was provided to me was (http://cocoawithlove.com/2008/11/singletons-appdelegates-and-top-level.html). The header used is here for good measure just in case i ever lose the site.


I would suppose that once i manage to get this calculator going, i would move on to simple table views and file IO on the iPhone… till then….