OpenGL using PERL on OSX

Quoted from WIkipedia OpenGL

“OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a standard specification defining a cross-language cross-platform API for writing applications that produce 3D computer graphics (and 2D computer graphics as well). The interface consists of over 250 different function calls which can be used to draw complex three-dimensional scenes from simple primitives. OpenGL was developed by Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) in 1992[1] and is popular in the video games industry where it competes with Direct3D on Microsoft Windows platforms (see Direct3D vs. OpenGL). OpenGL is widely used in CAD, virtual reality, scientific visualization, information visualization, flight simulation and video game development.”

The various ways of writing OpenGL codes doesn’t really appeal to me. As i am more a scripter than a C or C++ programmer, i prefer to use PERL above many other languages. However, in my slow progress of learning OpenGL, i have come across many obstacles such as the lack of proper libraries or tools in PERL. Changing jobs and thus hardware/software platform doesn’t help either.

Primarily using the Mac now, i set out to try to learn OpenGL in Mac using PERL. I discovered the OpenGL perl module in CPAN which is on version 0.5. Unfortunately, it doesn’t compile well at all under OSX. Further investigation lead me to version 0.53 which is not available via CPAN, but search-able via Google. Version 0.53 also does not compile well too. The main reason being that most of the libraries like OpenGL is placed inside frameworks in OSX, and the Makefile.PL script doesn’t use those at all. Other Libraries such as GLUT, and GLU are also in different places.

After a little testing and probing on version 0.53, i am glad to finally get 0.53 to compile. I am re-distributing it here as 0.53_OSX. For all you Apple users out there and are perl programmers, i suppose this is for you.

OpenGL-0.53_OSX.tar – Perl OpenGL-0.53_OSX.tar.gz